Carer Counselling
Currently, there are 6.5 million carers in the UK, and due to our society living longer, it is more than likely that the number of carers will rise in the next few years. Caregivers are defined as people who care for someone who may be disabled, ill, the elderly, or struggling with a mental illness. Caregivers help others in their day-to-day life, and this can be a family member or a friend. Caring may be required round the clock, or it may only be required for just a few hours a week and for any special needs such as autism.
Although being cared for by a friend or family member may be the best option for the person being cared for, it can take quite a toll on the caregiver, both emotionally and physically. Caring for somebody can be an exhausting task, and regardless of how much time is spent caring for them, it can hugely impact one’s life.

The responsibility of carers depends on the illness of the person they are caring for, but it can involve anything from feeding, shopping, clothing, or taking them out and about. Juggling care with responsibilities such as work and family life can be difficult, and it is common for carers to suffer from stress, anxiety, and depression themselves. Such caregivers – like parents – can use counselling has a safe space to cope with the challenges of being a caregiver and not end up overworked and stressed.

Caring for someone means that a huge amount of your time is spent on others. Be U Counselling Service, based in Poole, Bournemouth, Dorset, is a specialist in care giving counselling in the UK. It that offers you, as a carer, a space to talk about your thoughts and your feelings in a safe, confidential environment. it also allows you time to think about your needs and helps you make sense of your emotions and develop coping mechanisms that you can use throughout the day. Talking therapy can be extremely beneficial to you, as you can learn relaxation techniques and carry out self-care.